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Fashion Meets Metal: The Iconic Style of Babymetal

When Babymetal burst onto the global music scene, they didn’t just bring a unique sound that melded J-pop with heavy metal—they introduced a striking, unforgettable style that set them apart. The fusion of their music genres is mirrored in their fashion, creating an aesthetic that is as much a part of their identity as their […]

01HZHDBVAP4WN5VE9PY0B4MNYV - Lemon Demon Store

The Birth of a Sound: Hot Mulligan’s Formative Years

Hot Mulligan, the indie rock sensation that has captured the hearts of music lovers worldwide, traces its musical roots back to its formative years. The band’s early days were marked by experimentation, collaboration, and a relentless pursuit of a sound that would come to define their unique identity in the music scene. In the beginning, […]

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